Missive from parts of Africa

A light hearted and sometimes serious look at moving 6000km into a place in Africa: April 2007. Promoted back to South Africa, the missive will continue to track my foray's into deepest Africa as and when I get there.

Location: Joburg, Africa, South Africa

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Current Affairs

Another one of the fun things about being back in SA is the fact I can be bought up to date with current affairs.

I am faced with a plethora of information. 702 in the morning and evening. Choice of 3 newspapers with National and International News. Access to all kinds of people who discuss current affairs as a matter of course.

The following have perked my interest:

SA Decides to have a National Provident Fund.

Interesting way of removing money from the economy and making the rich poor. I have flitted around Africa for the last 15 odd years. Each of the country’s I stopped in had a National Provident Fund. In each of the country’s the National Provident fund did not even come close to providing for retirement of whom it was targeted at.

What they did have was huge buildings, bloated administration, Jobs for Pals and rather interesting investment policies. A lot of the funds were used to develop parts of the country with no recognition as to returns on those investments.

The net effect? Cost of employment goes up. Old age Pensioners still starve. Government Fat Cats get fatter.

Unfortunately I will not be proven correct until I retire.

Crime in SA

There is an amazing campaign by the media to bring crime to the forefront. Crime in SA is unacceptable – we all concur. Government does not have the wherewithal to resolve crime effectively. The standard of our police force is abysmal in general and complaints abound.

Government ministers get robbed. Good old front page news to show how bad our crime is.

President authorizes R90 million for a security wall around government houses in PTA (Tswane). Front page news. The fact they are importing the wall from China makes it that much more interesting. Good god people. With our crime the way it is, security walls are our specialty. The only issue I am sure, is the Chinese are doing a great counter trade deal instead of demanding cash.

Kiddie gets kidnapped in Tswane. Big investigation reveals some guy has been molesting other kids in the area. Guy is arrested. Original case still needs to be solved.

And so it goes on.

On a personal note:

I continue to revel in the fact that I am now in JHB. The one thing which is interesting is my cooking skills have taken a dive. Having food cooked for me for such a long time means last nights meal – a beef stew – was quite sad. I did not take the meat out that morning to defrost, and I was late in starting and cooked it too fast. Net effect – tough meat with a marginal amount of flavour. I really do need to plan meals better.

I took my car in for wheel balancing yesterday and it transpired that the reason for the vibration was due to my tires not quite been round. R1800 later, the vibration is gone. *sigh*

My swimming pool continues to make my life a misery and while relooking at it this morning in an attempt to make the green go away, I made the monumentous decision to get some professional help in. It is sad having a nice pool that has algae floating on the top. May I should introduce some fish to eat the algae.

Traffic continues to be the bain of my life and I had thought I had resolved my route to work. This morning however – for no apparent reason – it too 50% longer to get to work. I am thus back to working out what route is the best on a regular basis. Traffic reports do help, but for some reason they never seem to mention the backups that I pass. Maybe I need to do traffic reporting.

Oh yes - Internet from the Office is slower than from Ghana. Go figure!

Hope you all having loads of fun!!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Of fish and turtles

The best thing about been back in SA is the food.

*pat of tummy*

*loosen of belt*

It has been a busy week and Wednesday consisted of Canapés at a presentation – and some Captains of course – which of course while tasty, does not satisfy the hungry snake coiled up in my belly.

Ergo – it came to pass that by Thursday evening, the hunger was extreme and required me to pop into the local Spar and invest in a pack of PORK CHOPS and LAMB CHOPS to assuage the hungry snake.

Tuna was not even an option in my mind.

I managed to wade through 430g of Pork chops and as a main course 500g of Lamb Chops. My accompaniment? Cherry Tomato and Baby Carrot salad.

To say that there was a smile on my face is an understatement. The meat was nicely grilled, still pink and actually tasted like Lamb and Pork.

As is wont to happen when one eats that amount of grilled meat in one go, the digestive system worked all through the night to ensure that I was greeted with a turtlehead the next morning.

This was however resolved by a morning constitutional with last night’s newspaper as entertainment.

Although that may not be the turtlehead that Pea’s was talking about in her comment tag. The tag has been satisfied and one assumes Peas will never look at a turtle in the same way again.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ahhh - What a nice life

*happy sigh*

I have been in Joburg for a few days now, and I am happy as a pig in the proverbial.

Good Food

Regular Nookie

New job where I am spending an inordinate amount of time getting my feet wet.

I am happy.

However – every silver lining is surrounded by black stuff.


I had forgotten how bad the traffic is at peak hours. It takes me 75 minutes to travel the 51km’s to work every morning. It takes just as long to wend my way home.

Traffic Police:

I am back in the land where there are speed traps every 5km, Metro cops looking for me chatting on my cell phone at every turn and the inability to settle the issue for GHC50.000

The Swimming Pool:

My pool water is clear. The bottom of the pool looks like a bath after 15 coal miners have used it at the end of the shift. This mainly due to the fact that the Zodiac cleaner in the biggest load of hogwash that I have ever had the misfortune to purchase. That and the dogs insisting on using the pool hose as a chew toy. Loads of work will be needed to get that sorted out.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

And it came to pass

That the plane was caught

The trip was made

and I am now sitting in Sunny SA

Happily partaking in the joys of life.

One interesting thing was:

I have learnt to take a sleeping tablet on the flight to make it easier. The pack said take 1. I took 1.

When an hour later it had not kicked in, I took another one.

The upshot?

I have no recollection of yesterday until 4pm.

Apparently I dropped Nessers off in Rivonia to pick up her car. Had great nookie and slept.

I recall the sleeping and hitting the kerb with my car.

I missed out on remembering great nookie.

I reminded myself later that night

All is good in my life

Friday, February 16, 2007

Could it be possible

that I have packed my bags

I have put them in the car

I am handing over my work

I am getting into a car

I am driving to Accra

and I will be on a plane at 11pm

and in Joburg tomorrow

.... could it be possible?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


A sexually transmitted disease?

Nope - today is the day of love, lust and other neferious deeds.

I am still in Ghana. SO today will be the day of sending a soppy email and retiring to bed with some hand lotion.

I will however be winging my way back down South on friday (In'shalla) and based on that fact, I will not have to use hand lotion for a while thereafter.

Hope you had a hoppy day of love

now here's to a hoppy lifetime of lust!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Another day - another coconut (again)


Fun days:

It is baking hot here at the moment, and due to a small issue we have we are not working extended hours anymore and knocked off at 5pm.

I cannot recall the last time I got back to the house during the week and the sun was shining. Different feeling that.

Carl and I decided to take advantage of the fact that our boundry fence is hole 9 Tee Box. We got the short irons out, a couple of balls and decided to see if we could improve our golf.

I did not improve anything. I did however reconfirm that I cannot chip to save my life.

Cooked up some pork chops last night as Cottage Pie was not quite what I had in mind for dinner. TV - Book - Sleep

Another day in Ghana bites the dust!

Hope you having a better one!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Friday Night!

Friday is the night to Party!!

Get out there with your mates

Drink and be merry

Go home and shag like bunny's



So why the fark did I go home last night, eat an uninspiring dinner, watch a bit of rugger on TV, read a few pages of a new book and fall sleep.


It must be cos I am still in Ghana!


Friday, February 09, 2007

It appears....

That Blogger.com has decided you WILL go to the new version.

either that

or my hangover is that bad that I pushed the wrong button when I logged in and decided just to go with the flow. (Which I do when the hangover is bad)

Last night was a "Mini Friday" and the ring was duly pulled. It is a bit of fun to get out there and act like a teenager once in a while. A bottle of Captains vanished rapidly.

I took 2 Panado's this morning

Sat through the 8am meeting where someone stole my thunder

Responded to emails

I am now going to walk around site to see if I can sweat some of this stuff out of my system

Hope you are having fun

I am - I think!

Monday, February 05, 2007


I worked Saturday - full day

Did not even bother to go to the pub and chilled at home.

Sunday, I sweated off the week's excess drinking on the golf course. I did not lose a ball. I beat Alwin (again). Jeri embarassed us by having a birdie on hole #1 (Everyone else got 2 overs). We laughed a lot. Carl discovered his driver works well (for some holes at least)

I became a fixture with the couch on Sunday Afternoon and read, napped and watched Man U put 4 past a hapless Spurs.

I would much rather be at home......

Friday, February 02, 2007

Another year bites the dust!

Yup - At some time on the 2nd of February my mother popped me out of her womb and some person smacked my arse to force me to take my first breath.

And celebrating my birthday in Ghana is not my first choice.

However: The fact that I am in Ghana on my birthday meant;

- I got toasted last night and only climbed into bed at 1.30am

- I have a hangover today, assuaged by Panado

- The lads doused me with water, which is apparently a birthday tradition.

- The dousing was just before I had a general meeting with the wekkers trowing toys about the safety violations on site. I looked very intimidating drenched.

- We will once again tonight wander over to the pub, as spoilt for choice, it is the only thing to do in this instance.

I will no doubt be taking two more Panado's tomorrow morning and walking through the day.

Could think of a few better ways to start the year
