Missive from parts of Africa

A light hearted and sometimes serious look at moving 6000km into a place in Africa: April 2007. Promoted back to South Africa, the missive will continue to track my foray's into deepest Africa as and when I get there.

Location: Joburg, Africa, South Africa

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Another reason to like site

There is always a fun side to going out on site. My trip to Mali bought out that fun side in a big way.

The main reason is the team that is on site. There are two Cape Colored lads – Site Manager and Site Superintendent – who have worked together for a while and who I always consider as Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Peas in a pod. I worked with both the guys – at different times – during my stay in Ghana.

Okkie, after a good few local and imported brews mentioned to us that he is afflicted by a site illness that strikes often called piles. For gods sake we had one of our guys on site sent home for piles. However Okkie was about to go home on R&R. R&R in Mali is a mission due to an 8 hour road trip, 7 hour flight, 4 hour flight.

Therefore if you are afflicted by the dreaded ‘roids, facing a lengthy time sitting on a sore poepoel is something that you do not look forward to. Alvin offered Ok’s his “mothers” solution which was “Okkie, why do you not use toothpaste”. Okkie obviously did not have this trick played on him when he was at school and happily that morning, singing “Sarie Marais” in the shower applied a liberal amount of Colgate to the offending grapes.

What surprised me was the effect of the Colgate only snuck in while he was saying goodbye to the lads on site.

“Alvin, my poepoel brand man”

“Het jy rerig die toothpaste anngesit?” (Shock in voice)

‘Ja man – jy’t gese” (worried voice)

When Alvin started falling over with tears in his eyes. Okkie knew he was in Shit – so to speak:

Apparently he gapped it to the room and attempted to wash off all the offending Colgate before his eyes bulged too far out of his head.

(By this stage the whole room where we were drinking were in tears of laughter as well)

It however got better.

By the time Okkie reached the first large town – some three hours from site – his ass was really giving him uphill. He asked the driver – Justice – to find a chemist and stop suddenly.

Said Chemist found Okkie ran in with a clenched ass and obtained some ointment from the lady behind the counter.

Most people would have had an issue on the application of the ointment. Ultra Cities do not abound in Mali. If you read my first trip to Mali story, you would note that toilets do not abound.

Not a problem to our Oks. He drops his pants in the main road and bends over. Reaching back he hands the tube to Justice.

“Sit the ointment on my ass” he demands

“Nooooooooooooo Mr. Okkie” is the startled response of Justice”

“Sit die fokken shit aan” Okkie cries – in obvious discomfort.

(By this stage we are rolling around the floor. I always knew there had to be a reason why Justice does not speak much on this contract. The site of a Managers Roids in the main road of Sikasso will do that to a man)

Did Justice apply the ointment?

I have no idea

I do not want to know

I REALLY do not want to know!!

And that dear reader, is why I love going to site!


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