Missive from parts of Africa

A light hearted and sometimes serious look at moving 6000km into a place in Africa: April 2007. Promoted back to South Africa, the missive will continue to track my foray's into deepest Africa as and when I get there.

Location: Joburg, Africa, South Africa

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Lazy weekend?

One has to pay homage to the invention of the "Lazy Sunday Afternoon". That is exactly what I am having after a good weekend.

My new couches arrived!! With much cheer as I was only expecting them next weekend. They were offloaded and placed into their temporary positions, not before I managed to break the window of my french doors. *sigh*. Doors may flex when they are stuck, but as we learnt in school, the ability of glass to flex with said door is somewhat limited.

Our first statement was "Fck I am sure they were not that big in the store!!" The chairs are huge and even after putting loads of cushions on the chairs, I still have 4 big and 2 small cushions remaining. They will be put away for the time that something drastic happens to the existing ones.

I purchased new pillows for my bed and some for my daughter, who complained on Saturday morning that her boyfriend nicked her pillows when she was sleeping. Apparently she needs on to cover her face while she sleeps. *shake of head*

I had drinks and coffee on Thursday which was enjoyed very much!

Friday was the day a hired maid arrived and cleaned up the house. I am certain there is a system for cleaning that I have yet to discover as she did manage to clean the house really well in a day. It may have taken me a week or more.

Friday night was when vulneribility was bought closer to home as a very good friend got attacked outside her house. She has a very loud scream and used it to good effect, as well as her housemate using his to good effect as well. The wanna be thieves ran off rather sharply. This sort of shit happens so quickly and all one can say is safety is not something you should expect.

My pool is blue again and the fact that I can see the bottom meant I could finally see that as quick as the Creepy sucks shite off the bottom, it gets tossed back into the pool through the return. It appears my filter sand has given up the ghost. Another R650 next week to have the sand replaced. *double sigh*

Work resumes tomorrow and a busy year is guaranteed given the emails that have arrived in my mailbox over the holiday season.

Hope you are all smiling and happy. Tis a good state to be.

I did not

- get pissed

(not - the "get laid" is not under the I did not section - wicked chuckle)

Kilometers travelled on bike: ~16

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Home Improvement 101


It amazes one what can be done in a day where I decided to be a busy bee on the home front.

- Did three loads of washing and read the labels before I washed the clothes!

- Cut my Hair

- Hung up one load of washing before the rain came

- Tossed R450 chemicals in the pool

- Educated as to the fact that the reason why my PH in the pool was so low was that HTH Green to Blue (which we have been using liberally) as acid as it's one sachet!

- Washed my car and got the inside cleaned (for R35??? BONUS)

- Had the cement mix for my deck delivered.

- Purchased plastic sheeting which prevented the cement mix from getting wet

- Did my Exclusive Books trip and got two new books

- Had another dose of Nando's

- Cleaned out the grocery cupboard and tossed away a whole load of stuff which were waaaaay past the expiry date

- Finally got around to defrosting my 1/4 pig which I purchased in July 2007. Will make some nice freezy pork dishes with the R26,99 per kg pork. (tis over R40 a kg now)

- Napped

- My everloving daughter offered to get ribs for dinner

- Did my internet banking (and gave my everloving daughter her pocket money, which allowed her to offer the ribs in the first place)

- Ordered and paid for a take away maid tomorrow to do the ironing and washing of dishes and floors.

All in all a successful day!!

I did not

- Get laid

- Get Pissed

Km Ridden on my bike: NIL

Work tomorrow!

Wonder if Kenya Airways are still flying - hehe

Have a hoppy one fine people!!!

I know I did!!

2008 has arrived!

Spent New Years day and the day after on a farm in Limpopo with friends. Fark was it hot!!! Fark was it dry!!!!

I did however manage to

- Chase Cows into a Kraal for Milking (see the cows do come home)
- Got told I would be assisting with the milking the following morning
- Thanked the Lord that the milking was left to someone who knows how to do it!
- Chase more cows into a Kraal for dipping
- Ate loads of Milk Tart
- Improved on my afrikaans

I did not manage to

- Get Laid
- Get Pissed
- Speak Afrikaans so that people could understand me.

Got home yesterday evening to Nandos and the fact that rubbish collection day fell on a public holiday two weeks in a row. I now have the "rubbish dump" smell in my back yard as the dustbins fizz and bubble with all sorts of strange chemical reactions usually reserved for Lab's in Iran.

Pickitup has some questions that need to be answered methinks.

Total km ridden in 2008 - Nil

Today I finally get around to finishing off my pool deck that was started around six months ago. I have downloaded "How to Make Concrete" from the PPC website and will be looking for a place that delivers the required goodies. I will also be making good use of the Labour Corner for this exercise!!

Wish me luck!!

My farking pool is green again - which is apparently due to the fact the PH is around 6.0. A trip to the Pool Shop is on the cards as well.

Given the fact that today we are looking at a Temprature exceeding 30 degrees C, I may even lose a kg or 3.

Right!!! A bowl of Oats is calling and then the day starts.

7am is such a foolish time to wake up methinks!!