There are times in life when you chuckle
And now is one of those times:
It appears that a “right honorable” Member of Parliament has had the handcuffs slapped on his wrists in New York for attempting to smuggle 67kg of Heroin into the good old USA. That’s the start of the most amazing series of related news articles.
The senior minister of the NPP (which is the ruling party) was heard saying – obviously before he knew the identity of the MP in lock up “I am praying he is an MP from the NDC Party” (The opposition). Needless to say – he was a member of the ruling party.
Said MP was arrested on 12th November 2005. He was marked present in parliament. Very much a case of been in two places at the same time. I am assuming he was wishing that he really was in parliament as opposed to the New Jersey lock up being introduced to Bubba.
It was said on his arrest he claimed diplomatic immunity. It is now been said that all MP’s will be trained as to how they qualify for immunity. Not a diplomat – no immunity. I thought that was simple.
The MP is in lock up. He will stay there for a while. Apparently he can only be booted out if he misses 15 sitting days. He applied for – and was granted permission – to be away from the house until 25/11/2005. As there are less than 15 sitting days until recess, he remains a MP until Feb next year when parliament reconvenes. He happens to enjoy all his benefits until then. Will he resign? That is the $3000 per month question.
I wonder if his application for permission to be absent from the house – sent after his arrest – detailed the reasons for his absence.
One of the local newspapers insist that he was arrested for cocaine trafficking. This is despite the charge sheet listing heroin. The local newspaper after days of been told of its error, refuses to put the record straight.
Ghanaians in general are mortified that an elected member of parliament has been arrested for drug dealing. Rumors abound however that even before the lad was elected he was involved in all sorts of shady deals. But he was still elected……
You may recall a blog a while back as regards my Nigeria trip and the State Governor that was arrested in the UK for money laundering.
Well surprise surprise. The said Governor is back in Nigeria. He bolted the UK shores using a false passport AND disguised as a woman!!
Now shoot me with a used piece of super glue. How the fuck can the lads in SA confiscate my lighter when I board a plane, but the security lads in the UK do not take note of a bloody ugly wo(man) boarding a plane bound for Ghana. I thought that’s the reason why you poor buggers in the UK are paying extra taxes for security. Security? Take care of the little things (like lighters) and the big things (like fugitives from justice) will slip through all by themselves.
To the Nigerians credit, 18 out of 24 MP’s have called for his impeachment. Of course in terms of Nigerian Law as he is a governor he cannot be charged in a court of law. Methinks the 18 MP’s should change the immunity law.
On other Notes.
When you rob someone and steal his cheque book. Make sure that you understand the difference between a USD account and a GHC account.
Said wally robbers stole said cheque book and tried to cash a cheque for GHC 230 million. (some ZAR 160.000). When the Barclays Teller noted to the person that he cannot write a GHC cheque on a USD account, the wannabe criminal bolted from the bank. In most places – case closed.
Not in Ghana. It appears on the face of it, the associates of the criminal decided there is no trust among thieves and did not believe that the bank would not cash the cheque. So of course our two brains go back to the bank to find out why they would not cash the cheque.
Hear the sound of handcuffs closing around wrists?
They did.
Hear the sound of two people hitting every branch of the stupid tree on the way down?
They did!
Mauritz sent me an “announcement” with an edict to use it in my blog.
Now as I know Mauritz reads my blog once in a while, comments via email once in a while, is the peanut that refused to send my music system to Ghana and generally sends me pics of a good type when he senses I am uber frustrated – I decided it could generate enough of a chuckle to include it.
“The Government of the USA has announced its crest will change with immediate effect. Instead of the Eagle (Bald headed – unlike Mauritz) it will now be a CONDOM.
The reasons for this are:
It allows for inflation
Stops production
Destroys future generations
Protects a bunch of dicks
Gives you a sense of security while you are being screwed!”
Now I understand why Mauritz has a condom as a logo on his emails………..
On that note:- My blue blood has finally been tainted. After 16 months in malaria territory without catching the Lurgy, I finally have found a mozzie that liked the taste of captains and garlic.
I have had malaria since Sunday, taken the Chinese tables, sweated, tossed and turned, felt generally grim and NOT lost any weight!
For focks sake – if I am going to get sick, at least make it so I can lose some bloody weight when I am sick.
There is no justice!!!!
I am also tossing and turning in bed dreaming of DRAWINGS!!! I mean goodness. I have not had sex for over a month man!! At least if I am going to dream, let it be about sex!!!
There is no Justice!!!!!
Drawings have been a good part of my life for the past few days. Those of you that know me know that I missed the technical drawing part of my B Comm. course. So did 100% of my fellow B Comm. students. That has not stopped me from staring at the lined paper and trying to make head or tail of it and complete two quotes. I am starting to get the hang of it.
I was also the only walla to notice “Field Welds Required” notification on a piping drawing and “Temporary Bracing to be provided by contractor” on a structural drawing. Both omissions having left the technical walla’s with an embarrassed look on their faces. So there is life in the old accountant after all!!
With a bit of luck, our lil business unit will go into December with $1.4 million on the order book!!
Hold Thumbs! - we are!