Missive from parts of Africa

A light hearted and sometimes serious look at moving 6000km into a place in Africa: April 2007. Promoted back to South Africa, the missive will continue to track my foray's into deepest Africa as and when I get there.

Location: Joburg, Africa, South Africa

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Of breakfasts and passports

We have Accra on a Monday after a weekend of storms, no power, heat and sushi.

Yup…. I was in Obuasi on Thursday for a series of meetings, all of which were most productive and positive. We managed a few drinks at the local pub with our lads and later on our clients, and although I was in a bit of a party mood – no-one else was. *sigh*.

Thursday night was also the first of a series of power failures that have plagued me over the last few days. Obuasi have a nice new genset at the house so failure of Ghana Power to deliver on time is easily resolved. One thing they do not have is a shower with hot water. I am still trying to work out, what idiot builds a house with four bathrooms, two of which have showers, and decide that the bath can be hot and the shower can be cold.

I will NEVER get used to a cold shower in the morning!

Friday was a trip to Accra, visit to a client on a large project they are considering and more power failures. The Accra house is a large one and one is constantly amazed at how hot it gets inside when the air conditioners are not working. To make matters worse, the aircon in my room has blown its mortal coil and my room never had a head start. We cooked on gas and read by candle light.

Saturday was a series of meetings once again, starting at my second office – The Golden Tulip – for a breakfast meeting on housing in a box and rural electrification projects. Tulip breakfasts are nice!

The other meetings revolved around suppliers in Accra as we try get our buying process resolved. Useful.

Saturday afternoon was a few reports and the required nap.

Two of our clients were up on a flying visit to our Obuasi project and flew in on Saturday evening to Accra, before hopping on SAA for the trip down south. SAA have once again moved their flights from 23:55 to 02:35 which in my view is a really silly time for a plane to take off. But once again they are pandering to the US market. We are now faced with two choices. Sleep until around 11pm and then check in or go on the piss until midnight and then check in. No prizes for guessing what option gets chosen. *chuckle*

Our clients were treated to the vagaries of local air travel with a 40 seater aircraft replaced by a 20 seater aircraft and the resultant bun fight to get to Accra. They were fortunate enough to secure the required seats instead of been faced with a 4 hour night drive to Accra from Kumasi on what is now fully recognized as the most dangerous road in Ghana.

You may recall last week I mentioned I had discovered a sushi restaurant. Well now was the perfect opportunity to sample their wares. This was however preceded by the rugby at 8pm and we were buoyed by South Africa’s fine win over Argentina.

The sushi was nice, the steaks and swordfish were apparently stunning, the wine was fresh and the company good. Expensive - but good. We happily deposited said clients at the airport at 00:15 and staggered off to bed some 30 minutes later. I really am becoming a bit of a woes when it comes to late nights.

Sunday was a day of power on – power off and my power supply to the router shuffled its mortal coil as well. We happily spent a few hours at the beach, supping some Star Beer and watching the world go by.

I now have a few days in Accra sorting out some items that have being placed on hold since I arrived.

One of which is I seem to have misplaced my bloody passport. I cannot believe after 25 odd years of traveling, for the first time I cannot work out where I left my passport. A trip to the SA High Commission is on the cards.

The issue is however attached to my passport is my Yellow Inoculation Card which now will have to be replaced as well as my multi entry Nigerian visa.

Updated: Passport was found at the airport. Digging in my brain (which proves to be difficult most of the time) I recalled that the jimmy at customs asked for my passport. After spending an inordinate amount of time checking my stuff, I bolted, happy to get away with my imports and in dire need of a smoke. Needless to say I did not remember to retrieve said passport.

You will be amazed how many other people leave their passports at the airport. They have over 100 there. So if you lost your passport in Ghana, odds are it is at the Kotoka International Airport – Airport Services

Say after me “You are an idiot!”

Current Ghanaian issues to chat about?

There are none. *chuckle* well none of any significance. The newspapers carry stories one can only consider mundane. One that did catch my eye was the editor of the Sun newspaper in the UK was arrested on a domestic violence charge. Apparently she beat up her husband.

As we have a contract on the go, I had to toddle out and purchase some food for the Accra house as a good few people will be sleeping overnight before making the trek to Obuasi, or later to Bogoso.

Mainly breakfast goodies:

Cornflakes still take the cake at R50.00 for a packet, orange juice at R12.00 a litre, cheese at R60.00 a kg and milk at R12.00 a litre. Expensive place to eat breakfast is Accra.

The cheaper prices are still meat at R25.00 a kg for beef and R28.00 a kg for marinated chicken cubes. Coke is cheap at R3.00 a tin for the imported (and better tasting) coke and I indulged my passion for the pita bread here at R6.00 for six large pita bread.

All in all a quiet time. Now that it is 8am and Accra has woken up, let me get out there and start my day!

Oh yes! I remembered my niece’s birthday! How good is that. I sent a sms – she phoned and we had a nice chat before the phones died once again.

You keep on smiling you hear!


Blogger dom said...

Breakfast sounds expensive in Accra ! I'd live off meat lol
Congrats on remembering your neices birthday ,I am awful at remembering stuff like that.
Pop by my blog one day and leave a Ghanese flag to add to my neo counter :)

8:46 PM  

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