Missive from parts of Africa

A light hearted and sometimes serious look at moving 6000km into a place in Africa: April 2007. Promoted back to South Africa, the missive will continue to track my foray's into deepest Africa as and when I get there.

Location: Joburg, Africa, South Africa

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


THIS post is been written in JOHANNESBURG

THIS post means I am HOME

THIS post means I have a big smile on my face.

Yeah - Finally I am on R&R. A working R&R, but R&R nevertheless.

The flight home was a pleasure thanks to a very nice sleeping tablet supplied by the local East Legon Chemist, which taken 20 minutes after take off (just in case we crashed on take off you understand), meant I woke up when they announced we were 10 minutes from landing.

Oh what joy!

I was still pissed off when the farkers at the airport in Ghana once again confiscated my lighter. One day I am going to learn to secret the bloody thing away. When I (rightfully) asked the reason why they confiscated lighters I was given the inane reason that I could threaten someone with it.

They were not kidding either, as when I tried to educate them on how a lighter was no worse than the matches they allow through, I was told best I move on before they lock me up.

I wanted to go home, so my point was not pressed.

I came home to

- A green Pool
- A Kreepy that has been chewed by our 2 new dogs
- Leaking taps
- Leaking toilets
- Dogs in the house
- Chewed up cushions
- A maid who had taken the day off on Monday due to a public holiday - I mean wtf gives them days off I ask....

But I got laid, I had a dinner consisting of pork chops, rib eye steak and fresh salad so I am HAPPY!!!!

My licence has expired. I will need to brave officialdom once again to renew it.

I have speeding fines which my kids signed for that Nessers needs to pay - cos she was driving - hehehehe

I have three er make that five months worth of mail to go through.


I am smiling!!

Hope you are too


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