Back in Ghana for the year end rush!
What does that mean?
Everyone breaks for the weekend and no work until Monday.
Everyone? Well…. First week back, month end reports, clients to see……
So generally month end weekends are quiet time at the office getting the accounting stuff in some readable format for the walla’s down south.
This weekend – a month end weekend – our friendly IT people have decided to “change the restatement rules” which preclude any processing in October. That means I have a weekend off. I can pop out on Saturday and see a few clients and maybe even go to the beach!!
How was Johannesburg you ask?
Farking wonderful. Funnily enough this was my shortest trip down south – the other trips have generally being extended by a week for various reasons – but one that was the most satisfying.
I shagged – Lots!!
I ate Sushi – Lots
I Visited all and sundry
I chilled
I cooked nice Sunday lunches
I sat in shopping malls and read newspapers while eating Mugg and Bean goodies
I bent my credit card in a BIG way.
I also saw my skylights in the house for the first time. Boy do they make a difference. Was a good idea.
I painted my fence. (well not personally you understand – I paid someone to do it) a wonderful “antique green”. It looked great!
I also spent a fair amount of time attempting to get my pool blue again. I came home to a Koi Pond swimming pool. The kiddies seem to be incapable of keeping it blue. I have also mooted cutting the pool in ½ for a while as it remains bloody cold through most of summer. I finally managed to get a guy out to have a look at it and after telling me that it would be cheaper to fill in the entire pool and rebuild a smaller one, we finally decided on a reline and 8 solar panels.
Now a long time ago when I was young and you were younger, I priced solar panels. They were bloody expensive. It does appear they have come down in price in a big way. So the entire job for less than R25,000. Bonus in my mind. Nessers did the final arranging and Keith will sign it off.
I also had another bash at getting a quote for the side door into the garden. Failed dismally once again.
Robbie has moved out to his own place. *sniff* My boy is growing up. He found himself a really nice place around the corner for R1,800 a month. Responsibility is kicking in as now he does his own laundry, cooks and almost cleans. (I have agreed to send my Maid over twice a week to help out). I think it is a fine thing.
Lisa now has the house to herself, and Shelly – her mate – has moved in. Two 20 something lasses in a big house. They are having fun! Lisa has a new boyfriend who is in touch with his feminine side in a BIG way…. *ponder* and Shelly’s boyfriend is a throwback from the 60’s.
Twas great spending all sorts of time with Nessers and her lil ones. We had fun. I even managed to take Savannah to the dentist for a filling and nary a tear. They both know I am not into sympathy *wicked chuckle*.
Portia got her ass kicked by a Grade 1 and was looking rather bent and buckled for a while.
One thing that did concern me was I did not have a rip roarer of a party when I was down there. That best be resolved in December!!!
Sam and Keith came over on the final Sunday which was great. Was good to see them again. Sam is 7 months preggers and being the skinny wench that she is, if you look at her from the back you do not even notice the bump. She has a cute bump from the front tho.
Celebrated my dad’s XXXth birthday with a fine dinner in Sandton Square and he was at the house on the Sundays. Looking old is the old man. Since mum died he really has started aging. He was talking about giving up work (the bugger is 82 and still selling dentists their goodies), and possibly going to live with my sister in Cyprus. Tis a bugger when all your mates die before you do.
I on the other hand will not have that problem.
One thing we have got in Tarkwa is a gym set. We are the proud owners of a punching bag (for when we pissed off), a weight set and bench and a bike. Carlos and I decided to set up the bike in the lounge and use it watching TV. We have both spent 3 minutes on it since it was installed. (Starting slowly you understand).
The instruction book is fantastic though. One would think if you are going to print an English manual, get someone who speaks English to write it.
Some pearlers from the book:
- Guarantee: To all the vice of the product. To all the original hitch in exercise or fault in enjoyment. (wtf??)
- Necessary proof to claim: Origin of the Hitch.
- The coupon certificate one year except for those consumable pieces.
- Not covered is “the damages resulted from the fact the installer did not work according to the instruction.” (and those are….)
So we will be up to 10 minutes by December!!! *chuckle*
We are heading towards a busy time at work, with small works engaged in new project work, a contract in Obuasi, a contract starting in January in Bogoso, Small Works obtaining their second largest order in the last 2 years in Obuasi and some strong marketing in Accra. The fun part is for all my idea of December shut down, and fight in SA with the powers that be over leave and R&R, there is a distinct possibility that a whole lot of us will be working over Xmas. It all depends on a quote that will go in next week.
My job responsibilities have also changed somewhat since last time they changed (4 months ago) and I will be spending a lot more time in exotic locations such as Nigeria, Benin, Burkina Faso and other such fun destinations. Will keep you updated from these fun places.
Oh yes!!
I purchased a new toy when I was down South. I am now the proud owner of a Garmin GPS which can now tell me when I am lost. For those that care, I have patched these co-ordinates and you can now direct a missile should you really get pissed off at my writings.
Group 5 Office - Accra N5 38.439 W0 09.699 76 m Golden Tulip My Second Accra Office N5 35.599 W0 10.852 Group 5 Workshop – Obuasi N6 10.507 W1 41.154 217 m Tarkwa Workshop N5 21.651 W1 59.988 74 m
Now I know exactly why my golf is a bugger up. When you are used to playing golf at 1500 meters above sea level and find out that Tarkwa is 74 meters above sea level, the 7 iron will become a 5 iron faster then you can say “oh fark – short again”.
What else…..
I have an economic tutorial to complete – so let me do that.
You have fun people.
Now send naked pics – demmet.