It has become de rigueur to blog this year’s highs and lows.
Ghana Herbal Medicine
Nearing the end of my term in Ghana and approaching having a regular sex life
I got promoted
Achieved every goal I set this year plus a bit extra for VAT
I learnt a shit load of stuff this year which I will carry with me for ever
I got nice bonuses
Some good parties
Some very Good Parties
I survived it
Contract from hell
Less sex this year than when I was 19
Ungrateful people
With all the shite and complaining, I will miss Ghana
And there we have it.
My updates have been few and far between since I started on this new contract, which is a indication on how busy I have been.
Next year the location of the missive will change from Tarkwa, Ghana to Jo’Burg South Africa. But considering I will be spending some time “north of the equator” I hope I will continue to amaze you all with the fun things that happen in Africa.
I head home on the 21st!
For that I am happy