Missive from parts of Africa

A light hearted and sometimes serious look at moving 6000km into a place in Africa: April 2007. Promoted back to South Africa, the missive will continue to track my foray's into deepest Africa as and when I get there.

Location: Joburg, Africa, South Africa

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Yet another midweek post

Another mid week blog?

Goodness – I seem to have a lot to say this week!

Yesterday in keeping with an old tradition we bought all the staff choccies for Valentines day! Seems like that went down a treat. One issue which I did not know how I allowed it to happen, but I did not get a choccie. Sheesh!

It appears as if the Tarkwa local Authority has a major problem supplying water to the town. More often then not since I have returned there has been no water delivered to our storage tanks by the local municipality.

What that means is we have to rely on the Fire Department (with their dubious water source) to bathe. The poor buggers in the mess (my old house) appear to have problems with hot water again and logic dictates that the geyser is once again blocked. Hopefully we will have that fixed again soon as 4 lads using 1 bathroom is a bit much.

The workshop has been a bit quiet this month so we have taken all the workers that are not busy and put them onto site improvement. So far we are well progressed in getting the following stuff done at site:

• Water into the offices so when we go to the loo we do not have to carry a bucket of water with us to flush.
• Water and sewer storage for the workers loos so they do not have to toddle off into the jungle and risk snake bites to the nether region
• A roof over the vehicle workshops to protect the guys from the baking sun!

Basically to get water to the office and workers loo will cost R10.000 which involved manually digging two wells around 10 meters deep and installing pumps and pipes to get the water to the tanks. I somehow think that we will have water more often at the office then at the houses.

Interesting how the water table is polluted as the water has a faint smell of diesel, which is also prevalent at the houses.

Another huge bonus is a visit by a bakkie from Spacefon, who are the local cell phone people that we use. We had been bitching for a few months now as to how we were unable to get cell reception at the offices. They had requested us to supply a 21 meter mast as well as power and together with our neighbours this was duly done. It has been around 3 months since this was available to them and as luck would have it they arrived today. It remains to be seen how this will work. But to be honest, running a business with 1 phone that works sometimes is not an ideal situation to be in.

It is amazing how perky everyone is at the office this week.

My discussion with the chef is tonight. Should be an interesting one!

With that said: I am getting an average of 20 hits a day on my site, so that means that you 3 people that read the blog are coming back 7 times a day *chuckle*

Have a goody peoples


Blogger Esther said...

Hope you have use strong smelling soap and deoderant ;)

Naw, I only visited 4 times today. Someone else is stalking you! ;)

5:03 PM  
Blogger Angie said...

its all the surfers from Wendy's site :) .........

10:43 AM  
Blogger Angie said...

..... waiting for the outcome with the chef ....... I take it you will not be eating in the canteen in the near future!!!!

10:44 AM  

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