Missive from parts of Africa

A light hearted and sometimes serious look at moving 6000km into a place in Africa: April 2007. Promoted back to South Africa, the missive will continue to track my foray's into deepest Africa as and when I get there.

Location: Joburg, Africa, South Africa

Monday, May 24, 2004

Final Week at old Job - and who is gonna do the shopping?

Well, the final week at the old job has started and hopefully I will be able to offload the goodies off my desk. I cannot believe that so much new work can be started in ones last month of work. Well thats life I s'pose.

On a lighter note, this weekend was to take my lad out shopping so at least he knows what to buy when I am not there. I have visions of iceys and fast food with no cleaning stuff or almost healthy food in the house. Well to say it was an unmitigated disaster is been optimistic. Some more training will be required. I enjoy shopping and cannot understand why others do not.

I must admit when the lad had to cook last week while I was running around in another (closer) african country, I had preview to what was on the menu.

ME: "What did you cook for dinner rob"
ROB: "pies"
ME: "pies and what"
ROB: "no, just pies"

Considering the pies come out of a box, and requires 20 mins in the oven, I would have thought he could have at least done Smash as well........

ROB: "did not see we had smash dad"

This might help with his weight loss programme.


................. more soon

Thursday, May 20, 2004

This is me! Posted by Hello

One lives for the day and plans for the future

Information is power the saying goes...... how wrong can they get!!! He who provides the information has the power (ask Tony Blair).

Well the missive from Africa starts early. Early in the fact that I start a new job come 01.06 and wing my way to the lovely country of Ghana! But as they say in the classics "Try anything once, if you do not like it, try it again, just in case you did it wrong the first time. If you did like it - do it again!". So after spending 10 years in the Kingdom of Swaziland, another bash at deepest Africa will be taken.

Based on the fact I can find very very little information about TARKWA on the net, once I am there, the missive from Africa will place some information of the place and enable all my fans (yes the three of them) to stay up to date with my comings and goings.

All of this assumes of course that there is connectivity in Tarkwa, and based on the fact an email sent to an ISP in Ghana requesting information of the services offered in that town has not been responded to, I can only assume some poor bugger looked at the email and is frantically searching the detailed map of Ghana to work out where this place actually is.

So as they say in the classics "Sit back, relax, light up and have a chuckle"